Actor Behaviors Market

Stencyl behavior code is stored in the metadata of the .png files. To use these behaviors, import the image files into your Stencyl project.

1D Direction Manager
Allows the game to keep track of which direction (left or right) the actor is facing. The behavior can flip the direction an animation is drawn so that it faces the correct direction. This behavior is required by several actor behaviors in the "1D" class.
1D Slow Down
Applies a consistent "braking" action to the actor's x-speed. This behavior will ensure that if no other forces are acting upon the actor, then they'll gradually slow down.
Always Active
The actor will continue to update, even if it is not currently on the screen. The 'always active' flag must be enabled if the actor will continue to move while off screen.
Animations Listener
Listens for various events and responds to them by switching the actor's animations.
Award Points on Die
Points will be added to the player's score when this actor is killed.
Camera Follows Me
The camera will stay centered on this actor.
Can Stomp
The player can kill this actor by jumping on it.
Delayed Expiration
This actor will self-destruct after a set number of seconds after creation.
Die on Hit by Player
The actor will be killed when touched by a player. This behavior is useful for coins and other pick-up items that should disappear when collected.
Die on Leave Screen
The actor will die when it leaves the screen. This behavior is useful for debris and particle effects that shouldn't clog up memory.
Fly Left and Right
The actor will fly left and right a set distance from its starting point.
Fly Up and Down
The actor will fly up and down a set distance from its starting point.
Go To Scene on Exit
When the actor leaves the scene, the scene will change to a different one. This behavior is configurable so a different scene can be selected for each direction.
Horizontal Moving Platform
The actor will act as a horizontally moving platform that the player can ride.
Hunt Player Directly
The actor will move in a straight line toward the player at a given speed. This behavior does not implement raycasting or any other method to prevent the actor from attempting to move through an obstacle. Useful for simple enemy AI.
Jump on Creation
The actor will bounce up in the air a bit when it is created.
Kills Player
Kills the player on contact. Useful for deadly projectiles or enemies that can't be touched.
Leaves Corpse
The actor will leave another actor in its place when it is killed. Useful for enemies that drop coins or other objects.
Ledge Detection
This behavior will send an event to other behaviors when a ledge is detected.
On Ground Detection
Sets a flag so that other behaviors will know if the actor is resting on the ground.
Player 1D Walk and Run
Enables the player to walk and run horizontally when on the ground.
Player 1D Walk in Air
Enables the player to move horizontally when not on the ground.
Player Jump
Implements basic jumping for platforming games.
Reload Scene When Die
The scene will reload when this actor dies.
Spin on Creation
The actor will spin at a given angular velocity when it is created.
Stay in Scene
The actor will be unable to leave the scene.
Vertical Moving Platform
The actor will act as a vertically moving platform that the player can ride.
Walk Back and Forth
The actor will walk back and forth, changing direction when it encounters an obstacle or ledge.
Watch for Player
The actor will send an event to other behaviors when it is on the same screen as the player. Useful for "waking up" the actor when the player gets near it.