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Artificial Intelligence Tools - Export Graph

The AI Tools package is an extension for Stencyl development environment. It is a general-purpose graphs toolset, which includes an implementation of A* pathfinding.

Please see main page for more information.

The "Export Graph" block will export the graph's data and package it into a list (array). The structure of the list is given later in this document.

The intended purpose is to aid in debugging. The data can be used to draw the graph, as illustrated below. (See the Archives Page for the project file for this demo)

list structure

The call will return a "list of lists". It returns a list of nodes, and each node contains some data and a list of connections.

Each node contains the following data:

  1. Row
  2. Column
  3. Name
  4. List of connections. Each connection is a list containing the following data:
    1. Row of connected node
    2. Column of connected node
    3. Cost
    4. Name