Mathematics vs. Nature for People Who Hate Math

… For People Who Hate Math is the worst title for a feature on this blog. If you hate math, why are you reading this?

Maybe you were searching for pictures of cats, and came upon this page by mistake because the universe is out to get you. In that case, I hope this cheers you up.

Or, maybe you don’t really hate math, but understanding what the gist of it is just proved rather elusive. In that case, this week’s post is just for you.

Mathematics is different from the other sciences. If you take a chemistry course, you can see the power of chemistry on the first day. On my first day of chemistry in high school, my teacher explained how there was enough chemical power in the storage room to level the building, should terrorists attack. Note that these were the pre-9/11 days.

I’m not sure how reducing the building to rubble before the terrorists could was a viable anti-terrorist strategy. But in Texas, we just didn’t question these things. Then she set the ceiling on fire.


But what of mathematics? Chemistry is hard. From day one, though, I had at least a general idea of what we were after. We were seeking a better understanding of real, observable events. Math, on the other hand, seemed like just an arbitrary set of made-up rules.

There’s a good reason for that, too. Math is an arbitrary set of made-up rules.

This is a common question I hear: Where does ___ arise in nature? The answer, more often than not, is “it doesn’t.”

Case in point, 2 + 2 can equal 5. All you need to do is change the rules, which isn’t that hard to do since they were all made up in the first place.

There’s no natural reason 2 + 2 must equal 4. There is a practical reason. We use mathematics as a language. Just like we use the word cow to describe a large, horned animal that serves as the butt of many Far Side cartoons, we use the word two to describe the quantity of cats currently whining at me for their lunch.

The rules that people learn when they take a class like Algebra were designed for a purpose. There’s no reason they can’t change.

The difficulty in learning math is that not only is it a set of rules, it’s a very complex set of rules, all dependent on each other.

For example, let’s take a clock – and see how this simple device unravels almost everything you learned in elementary school.

We’ve all known for a while that any number, added to zero, is itself. So if you take the 4 position on a clock, advance the hour hand 12 spaces, it’s back to 4. Hence, on a clock,

$latex 4 + 12 = 4 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$

But 4 + 0 = 4. This means 0 and 12 are the same numbers.

This completely messes up multiplication. Now $latex 4 \times 3 = 0 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$. It also messes up division. $latex 4 \times 5 = 20 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$, but since 20 = 8 + 12, and 12 is the same as 0, then 20 also equals 8 + 0.

So $latex 4 \times 5 = 8 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$.

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It gets worse. Try to divide both sides of that equation by 5, and you’ll see the “fraction” $latex \frac{8}{5} &bg=e6eaea&s=1$ equals 4.

But it turns out you can’t really do that – not because it seems strange. There are stranger looking things that turn out to be valid. No, it turns out we completely obliterated the concept of division itself.

The concept of division itself is built upon rules that we just threw out. Whoops. Who needs multiplication and division, anyway?

The science of mathematics is in figuring out what happens when you change the rules, or add new ones. The catch is that, unlike chemistry or physics, mathematics is a beast mankind created. That’s right. We did this to ourselves.

The difficulty in learning math is that there isn’t much that arises out of nature to help you. The chemists who first cracked the secrets of fire had easy access to all the samples they needed. The physicists who determined the physics of falling objects had an ample supply of gravity at their disposal.

Everything in math arises out of something someone else had previously established.

Here’s another illustration. One of the most arbitrary constructions of them all – polynomials – comes out of a very small set of groundwork rules.

Polynomials don’t occur in nature, and nothing in nature seems to suggest the idea. But two simple man-made rules do.

Polynomials are members of a set of objects that adhere to two specific rules: Any two polynomials added together must be in the set, as well as any two polynomials multiplied together.

Let’s start with x. If x is in the set of polynomials, then x + x, or 2x, is in the set. This means x + 2x, or 3x, is in the set. So is 2x + 3x = 5x, 2x – 5x = -3x, etc. Following this logic, any multiple of x is in the set.

We can apply the same principle to multiplication. Since x is in the set of polynomials, the product of x and x is also in the set. So $latex x^2 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$ is also a polynomial.

But this means the product of x and $latex x^2 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$, or $latex x^3 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$, is a polynomial.

Don’t forget we can add any of these powers to themselves any number of times. Since $latex x^3 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$ is a polynomial, so is $latex 2x^3 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$ and $latex 31x^3 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$.

Finally, we can add all these multiples of powers. So $latex x + x^2 + 31x^3 &bg=e6eaea&s=0$ is also a polynomial. Every polynomial is constructed from multiples of powers of x.

Nothing in nature suggested we could do this. It was simply the product of saying, “let’s create a set and a couple of rules that its objects must obey, and see what happens when we run with it.”

If you’re in the crowd of “people who never saw the gist of mathematics,” try looking at the subject from the perspective of a game: learning how to play, given a set of rules printed on the back of the box cover.

When you get really good, or just bored, you can look at it from the perspective of that kid who had to change the rules so he’d always win. The changes didn’t always make sense to the observer, but that kid sure knew what he was doing.

The World of Fractal Art for People Who Hate Math

Fractal Monster

Figure 1. Common metaphor for a final exam in mathematics.


Or, Fractal Art Using High School Math.

This week’s post is especially for those of you who never saw math as much more than a means to calculate when trains will meet each other. Many of us who didn’t appreciate mathematics in grade school tend to as we get older. Even so, it’s easy to overlook that there’s more to mathematics than its use as a dry, practical tool.

Fractal art is a relatively recent fusion between art and mathematics. It’s a world I often find myself sharing with my introductory-level classes (there are some amazing visuals out there) – but it’s not easy.

Look up the Wikipedia entry on how to generate art using the Mandelbrot set. The math gets to a high level very quickly. This is too bad, because fractal art has a large following. Communities like deviantART have lots of people who have learned how to generate images using software like Apophysis. It turns out, though, some to many enthusiasts, or fans of fractal art, may not have seen the math behind the software. Any artist should understand how their tools work. I’d expect an oil painter to understand how the dyes in their paints work. “Fractal artists” shouldn’t be any different.

Fractal art is often cited as an example of the practical use of complex numbers. There aren’t many. Look up “complex numbers in the real world,” and you’ll often see two examples: quantum mechanics, and electrical engineering – two fields that aren’t exactly elementary. And then you’ll see fractal art tagging along.

Complex numbers themselves can be unwieldy. Understanding how fractal art is generated will, in many cases, involve understanding convergence and divergence of sequences… and suddenly we’re getting to levels of calculus beyond what the average college student takes, let alone high school.

But it’s really not that hard. If you can multiply and add numbers, and make lists, you can make fractal art “by hand.” Or, at least, you can understand what the computer is doing.

There’s not a single procedure involved in generating fractal art, so we’re going to look at one example. Let’s make pretty, pretty pictures using the Mandelbrot set.

Okay, let’s get this party started! ~

The piece of paper we want to draw on has two dimensions, and complex numbers form a two-dimensional number system. If you were looking for a reason why fractal art relies on complex numbers, this would be it.

The dimensions in mathematics can be generalized beyond “length” and “height”, but since we want to keep things simple, we’ll stick to that.

First, in case you’ve never seen one before, here’s a complex number:

$latex 3 + 2i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

$latex i &bg=e6eaea$ is the imaginary unit, defined so that $latex i^2 = -1 &bg=e6eaea$. This means we can take $latex i = \sqrt{-1} &bg=e6eaea$.

Hence, the number $latex 3 + 2i &bg=e6eaea$ has two parts: A real part (in this case, $latex 3 &bg=e6eaea$), and a multiple of $latex i &bg=e6eaea$ (in this case, $latex 2 &bg=e6eaea$), called the imaginary part. The two parts are added together to form a complex number.

The number line that you may remember from grade school associates numbers with a point set some distance from zero. Since complex numbers have two parts, the real part can represent horizontal distance (lengthwise), and the imaginary part can represent vertical distance (height-wise), from the center on the complex number plane.

complex number plane

3 + 2i

Time to make some art! ~

This is the image we’re going to make:

Mandelbrot setBut it currently looks like this:

Empty rectangle

Since we want to color all the pixels in the rectangle, and pixels are located by horizontal and vertical distance from zero, what we really have is a set of complex numbers.

The horizontal position of the pixel is the real part, and the vertical position of the pixel is the imaginary part.

For each pixel, we need to determine what color to light it. This is the hardest part to explain, because it would normally involve calculus. But there is another way to explain it.

Imagine drawing a circle on a concrete floor and dropping a golf ball in its center. It would bounce around a lot, and most likely bounce out of the circle. Every now and then it may bounce a lot, but still stay inside the circle. We’re going to create a “golf ball.” We’re interested in the number of times it bounces before it leaves the circle.

Actual math! ~

Even though this is titled, “…for People Who Hate Math,” we do need at least some math. Since the goal is to stay within the realm of high school mathematics, we can use an old friend: FOIL. Skip this section if you don’t need the refresher.

You only need to know how to do two things: add complex numbers, and multiply them.

Adding them is easy: you simply add their real and imaginary components.

Example: $latex (3 + 2i) + (2 + 4i) &bg=e6eaea$

The two real parts are 3 and 2. Add them together to get 5.

The two imaginary parts are 2 and 4. Add them together to get 6.

So the result is $latex 5 + 6i &bg=e6eaea$

Multiplying is not too bad, either. FOIL is an acronym for “First, Outer, Inner, Last,” which tells you which pairs of numbers to multiply.

Example: $latex (3 + 2i) \times (2 + 4i) &bg=e6eaea$

The two parts that come “first” in both of the complex numbers are 3 and 2. Multiply them to get 6.

The two parts that are on the “outer” are 3 and 4i. Multiply them to get 12i.

The two parts that are in the “inner” are 2i and 2. Multiply them to get 4i.

The two parts that are “last” are 2i and 4i. Remember, we’re multiplying both the numbers and the i’s. So the product is $latex 8i^2 &bg=e6eaea$. Since $latex i^2 = -1 &bg=e6eaea$, then $latex 8i^2 = -1 \times 8 = -8 &bg=e6eaea$.

So now we have the four products we need to add: 6, 12i, 4i, and -8.

Remember from above that we add complex numbers by adding their real parts and imaginary parts. So the 6 and -8 are added together to get -2. The 12i and 4i are added together to get 16i.

The result: $latex -2 + 16i &bg=e6eaea$.

Okay, great… so what? ~

Let’s go back to the bouncing golf ball. Our goal is to calculate where it lands on each bounce. We’ll use the number of bounces to determine what color to light the pixel that is currently marked by the red dot below.

Red dot

Out damn spot, out I say!

That red dot is located .45 units right of the center, and .8 units up. This means the red dot is represented by the complex number $latex .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea$.

We’ll use the expression $latex z^2 + .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea$ to calculate where the ball lands. Notice that $latex .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea$ is the location of the pixel we’re lighting.

First, drop the ball at the dead center of a circle of radius 2. The ball’s position, z, is currently $latex 0 + 0i &bg=e6eaea$, or 0 right, 0 up:

Red dot at center

Invisible to people named “Costanza”.

We’ll substitute $latex 0 + 0i &bg=e6eaea$ for z in our expression. So the ball will land at:

$latex (0 + 0i)^2 + .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

Since $latex 0^2 = 0 &bg=e6eaea$, this time we can ignore multiplying (FOIL).

$latex 0 + 0i + .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

$latex = .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$



Looks like it’s still in the circle. Let’s do another bounce. The ball is currently located at $latex .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea$. Substitute that number for z in the same expression as we used for the first bounce:

$latex (.45 + .8i)^2 + .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

$latex = (.45 + .8i) \times (.45 + .8i) + .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

This time, the computation won’t be so pretty. We can rely on FOIL to do the multiplication:

Product of the “firsts”: $latex .45 \times .45 = .2025 &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

Product of the “Outer”: $latex .45 \times .8i = .36i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

Product of the “Inner”: $latex .45 \times .8i = .36i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

Product of the “Last”: $latex .8i \times .8i = .64i^2 = -.64 &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

Put all of this back into the problem above:

$latex .2025 + .36i +.36i – .64 + .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

$latex = .0125 + 1.52i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

Red dot 3


We’re getting close to the end it seems. One more bounce might do it. I’ll spare you all the details of the arithmetic this time. The current position of the ball is $latex .0125 + 1.52i &bg=e6eaea$. Substitute that into the same expression we’ve been using for all our bounces:

$latex (.0125 + 1.52i)^2 + .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

$latex = -1.86 + .84i &bg=e6eaea&s=1$

Red dot 4


Finally! It took 3 bounces. So 3 is the magic number.

What we do with the number 3 is use it to determine a color for the pixel located at $latex .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea$.

If you’ve used software which lets you select a gradient to determine color, this is what the gradient is used for. The number maps to a location on the gradient, and the pixel is given that color.

We’ll use a simple grayscale. In the grand scheme of things, 3 is pretty small. Low numbers correspond to dark spots, so we have our pixel:

Colored dot.

All that work just to figure out the color of this one teeny, tiny spot. Good job, team!

To fill in the rest of the pixels, we’d repeat the ball bouncing process for each pixel location. The tricky thing to remember is that the location of the pixel changes the expression that is used – that is, the procedure we use to calculate where the ball lands on each bounce. So to determine what color to light the pixel at $latex .1 + .1i &bg=e6eaea$, we would use the expression $latex z^2 + .1 + .1i &bg=e6eaea$ instead of $latex z^2 + .45 + .8i &bg=e6eaea$.

In some circumstances, the ball may never bounce out of the circle. If we count enough bounces, eventually we just assume it never leaves. If you have fractal software, check your list of settings for “max iterations.” This is what that value is referring to – the threshold at which we say “the ball will never leave the circle.” In our color scheme, this would correspond to a white dot.

And so, if we repeat the procedure for every single pixel (this is why computers are handy), we get:

Mandelbrot Set


What next? ~

Well, this is a pretty simple image – but it already highlights a few way you can customize it. Notably, changing the max number of iterations, or the gradient, will have an immediate effect. You can also change the “bounce expression.” Instead of using $latex z^2 &bg=e6eaea$, why not $latex z^3 &bg=e6eaea$? What about a circle of radius 3 instead of 2?

This is also only one type of fractal. Another example could use the Julia set.

Here are some toys if you want to try your hand at generating some fractal art:

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Be sure to check out their galleries!

A note on fractal art: ~

Fractal art, like digital art in general, may be looked down upon by some traditionalists. Regardless of whether or not it’s “art,” if it’s even worth debating, it’s hard to argue the results can’t be impressive. Here are some examples by people with a lot more patience than I have with this medium.

Fractal Galleries


Fractal World Gallery


Have a comment or a piece of artwork you’d like to share? Please comment below!